Does Verbal Agreement Override Written Agreement
When it comes to legal contracts, verbal agreements can be a tricky area. Some people believe that verbal agreements hold the same weight as written agreements, while others argue that written agreements are always superior.
The truth is that both verbal and written agreements can be legally binding, and the one that takes precedence depends on a variety of factors.
In general, written agreements are always considered more reliable and enforceable than verbal agreements. This is because written agreements provide a clear record of the terms and conditions of the agreement, which is essential for resolving disputes.
However, there are situations where verbal agreements can override written agreements. For example, if the written agreement contains a clause that conflicts with a verbal agreement made before the contract was signed, the verbal agreement may take precedence.
Another situation where verbal agreements can be enforced is when the written agreement is ambiguous or unclear. In this case, a court may look to the verbal agreement to clarify the terms of the contract.
It`s important to note that enforcing a verbal agreement can be difficult, especially if there is no reliable record of what was said. This is why it`s always a good idea to document all agreements in writing, even if they were initially agreed upon verbally.
In conclusion, while written agreements are generally considered superior to verbal agreements, there are situations where verbal agreements can be legally binding and take precedence. However, it`s always best to document all agreements in writing to avoid any confusion or disputes.